GER B Logo art [GER_B]
German Bulls Legends
GER B Logo new 688x688 [GER-B]
German Bulls
G3R B Logo 688x688 [G3R_B]
German Bulls Rising

G3R B Logo 688x688

German Bulls Fun-Clan
GERBM Logo 688x688 [GERBM]
German Bulls Marine
GERBF Logo 688x688 [GERBA]
German Bulls Marine Akademie
GER B Logo art2 [GERBC]
German Bulls Marine Community

G3R B Logo 688x688


[G3R-B] German Bulls Fun-Clan

Its better to die for something than to live for nothing!

Erstellt: 22.01.2015
Some may have heard about this,
but very few have lived to talk about it.
Amongst the many clans that have died in this type of war,
one clan survives to share this rare experience.
A clan who has won many battles with the speed and accuracy of it ́s guns.
Some call them a myth,
others call them a legend.
But to those who have tasted the gunpowder of their every shot fired from their guns,
known them as....the German Bulls!



wir sind ein reiner Fun - Clan ohne jegliche Verpflichtungen. Wer doch nach mehr strebt, kann sich bei unseren Hauptclans bewerben.   GER_B oder GER-B


Folgende Kriterien sollten erfüllt sein:
- Minimum 1000 Gefechte
- Mindestalter 16 Jahre
- Panzer mindestens Tier IV
- Bollwerkpanzer Tier VI
- Teamspeak-Teilnahme Pflicht
- Einzelfälle werden Besprochen


Ihr findet uns hier:

Homepage: Bewerbungsformular
Ts3 Daten : ts.german-bulls.de


Militärpersonal (85)

hier zur offiziellen Clanseite bei http://worldoftanks.eu